Holland PHO is a legally incorporated not-for-profit taxable Physician-Hospital organization which began in 1996. Any physician with privileges at Holland Hospital has the opportunity to request to be a member of Holland PHO.
The PHO is a partnership between numerous community physicians in and around Holland and Holland Hospital. Holland Hospital and the community's physicians work cooperatively to improve payer negotiations and quality initiatives such as Patient Centered Medical Home designations. Holland PHO emphasizes quality of care and efficiency of services, including pay for performance incentive programs. Holland PHO was formerly named Principal Health PHO and Holland Community Physician Hospital Organization.
The Board of Holland PHO consists of nine community physician representatives and two hospital representatives. Several key committees support the activities of the PHO and PHO Board including the Contracting Committee, Credentialing Committee and Quality and Care Management Committee.
Benefits of PHO membership:
- Provide a unified approach to managed care such as utilization management and quality improvements
- Collaboration with managed care companies
- Reimbursement and aligned incentives
- Administrative support such as insurance credentialing and managed care contracting